Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I was feeling lucky on Monday when my Pilates instructor decided not to cancel class even though there were only two of us. Well, after the handstand sequence and Capoeira moves topped off with a round of cartwheels, I am still feeling muscles I have never felt before. Those moves really are a great oblique workout!.. {and shoulders, and glutes, and forearms...}

Photo credit: My fellow LSU Interior Design classmate, Emily Wynn.
I think this is the last cartwheel I had performed prior to Monday's class, that's me in the back row. I love the positioning of our legs in this shot.


  1. it looks like your model in the foreground is a little slow :)

  2. hilarious...i forgot about that me in the middle?

  3. Missy: Yep, thats you in perfect alignment with the sculpture.


So glad that you stopped by for a visit...your comments make my day!

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